Investment Management

Multi Generation Family at Picnic

As a fiduciary, the investment advisors at Family Legacy create an investment policy that grows with each of our individual clients. We pull together your financial “big picture” during our financial planning process and discuss your cash flow and financial needs and wants to help create an appropriate strategy for you.

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Our Approach to Investment Management

Our clients direct us based on their anticipated needs and wants for each life stage. We discuss market risk and what you believe your personal risk tolerance levels are, which can and should vary based on age, the needs at each life stage, and personal preferences. We take into account each clients’ personal story and situation as we prepare each portfolio’s investment allocation.

All prudent investment plans have a well thought-out investment policy statement that defines the purpose of the investments, your personal risk tolerance and time horizon, and outlines expected contributions and withdrawals. Investing always entails risk. Mitigating unnecessary risk while seeking reasonable returns is part of any prudent policy.

We primarily manage accounts on a discretionary basis. This is why we take the time to get to know our clients’ needs and goals first – so our decisions are always made with your best interest in mind. If you need cash suddenly for any reason, we will help you facilitate. Your money will never be more than a week away from you.

Personal relationships, individually tailored investments, and a long-term view is the Family Legacy approach to investing soundly.

Let's Get Started

Why Invest with Family Legacy?

The advisors at Family Legacy are only paid by our clients; the investments we utilize do not pay us any commissions or revenue sharing. This means we have an incentive to choose reliable, proven securities that have a history of strong performance and lower risk. We see recommending an investment just to “sell you something” as bad practice. Our success is measured entirely by our clients’ peace of mind.

Who We Serve

Family Legacy always works as a fiduciary. That means we put your interest first, and we are always obligated to tell you the truth.

We work with individuals who care about their families, their financial future and the world around them. We utilize various types of accounts to help our clients save wisely.

We collaborate with businesses to conservatively invest their cash reserves and create retirement plans for their employees. We can assist in business formation, growth, and exit planning.

Types of Investments We Recommend

Family Legacy advises clients to have diversified portfolios tailored to their life stage, needs, wants, and risk tolerance. We typically invest in publicly traded stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and exchange traded funds (ETFs). We also counsel on the importance of choosing and naming beneficiaries. We will help you set up and manage Trusts and Powers of Attorney to help your family’s legacy remain secure for generations to come.

Secure Your Legacy


Family Legacy takes a holistic approach to financial management, advising clients on various aspects of wealth, business and estate planning.


multi-family office

Managing estates, trusts and generations.


multi-family office

Managing estates, trusts and generations.


widowed or divorced?

Financial planning when life shifts.


widowed or divorced?

Financial planning when life shifts.


Invest for What Matters

"Sound planning and prudent living allow for a freedom of expression and a profound depth of relationship with family and friends. We seek to help all of our clients live in a space of abundance. In a word, most people eventually come to the understanding that financial independence provides them with freedom."

-- Christopher A. Brown, CPA, PFS, CFP®



Our advisors and accountants are ready to talk with you about your plans and goals. How can we help you create, preserve and pass on your legacy?

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